Safety first!

You care about privacy. We care about privacy. That's why all files are processed in your browser and is not uploaded to our server. Check out our privacy policy for more infos.

Any operating system works

Our image processing services work for all computers - the operating system you use doesn't matter. You can use our service even if you're using MacOS.

All in the cloud

Our servers in the cloud process your files and you don't need to install anything on your computer. Isn't that great?

branding_watermark Add Watermark
Protect your copyright and ensure other individuals do not use your photos without your permission. To do so, you can add a watermark/specific text over your photo to make it recognizable if other people upload your photos without your permission.

Press the "Add Watermark" button to begin using our software. You can choose the position where you want to add the watermark.

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